The Postgraduate Program in Animal Science began its activities on January 19, 2007, with recognition from the Ministry of Education and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel under the terms of CAPES Ordinance No. 51 of June 11, 2004, CNE/CES Opinion No. 267/2006 (Approved by MEC Ordinance No. 73, published in the Official Gazette of the Union No. 14, Section 1, page 22/24 on January 19, 2007). (See Program data with CAPES HERE). The program, rated 4 by CAPES, has a concentration area in Veterinary Medicine and belongs to the College of Life Sciences.
The Postgraduate Program in Animal Science has two research lines that encompass research, extension and innovation projects, outlining the scope and depth of academic activities:
1.1) Research Projects:
– Investigations in Entomology with a focus on applicability to ecological pest management.
– Research in Veterinary Parasitology, exploring the complexities of parasite-host relationships and their clinical implications.
– Approaches in Integrative Biosciences, aiming at the holistic understanding of complex biological phenomena.
1.2) Extension Projects:
– Development of community support modalities, reinforcing the connection between the program and society.
1.3) Innovation Projects:
– Conducting experimental tests to evaluate inflammation, cytotoxicity and mutagenesis of synthetic or natural substances with therapeutic properties, promoting advances in understanding and clinical application.
2.1) Research Projects:
– Anatomical exploration, investigation of Veterinary Surgical Clinics and evaluation of the therapeutic applicability of new products, enriching the clinical and therapeutic domain.
– Detailed analysis of changes in the homeostasis of the various organic systems in animals, offering valuable insights for the understanding and treatment of pathologies.
2.2) Extension Projects:
– Implementation of community support modalities, expanding the social impact of the program through practical activities.
2.3) Innovation Projects:
– Exploration of Complementary Therapies aimed at tissue regeneration in reproductive functions, aiming for advances in the field of animal reproduction.
– Investigation of Complementary Therapies for microbiological control, using in vitro and in vivo approaches to address microbiological challenges in animal health.
Our program’s mission is to inspire and train professionals with solid values of unity, ethics and flexibility, promoting continuous evolution. We seek to transform knowledge into practical actions that generate a positive impact on regional and social development, training ethical, competent professionals who are committed to the future through innovative and locally relevant research.
• Transformative: We foster positive change, providing professionals with the ability to transform realities through new perspectives and knowledge.
• Mentor: We are committed to the ongoing guidance and monitoring of our students, training leaders and mentors in their field of work.
• Harmony: We believe in the balanced integration of theory and practice, in healthy coexistence and in collaboration among all.
• Achiever: Our focus is to train professionals who not only acquire knowledge, but also know how to implement it effectively and productively.
• Intelligence: We value critical knowledge and strategic intelligence to solve complex challenges and promote innovation.
• Respect: We respect the diversity of ideas, cultures and contexts, cultivating an inclusive and collaborative learning environment. • Balance: We always seek a balance between personal and professional life, understanding the needs and realities of our students.
• Regional problem-solving: Our program meets local specificities and needs, training professionals to solve challenges that directly impact their regions.
• Multi-orientation: We offer a multidisciplinary approach, allowing students to explore different areas of knowledge and strategies.
• Qualification of professionals already in the market: Our focus is to qualify professionals in activity, promoting constant updating and training for new challenges.
• Flexibility: We believe in education that adapts to the pace and reality of each student, offering flexible options for schedules and teaching methods.
• Partnerships: We establish strategic partnerships with institutions, companies and communities to strengthen learning and expand professional opportunities.
Postgraduate Department
Tel.: +55 16 3711.8829 / Fax.: +55 16 3711.8953
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 08:00 to 11:45 from 13:00 to 22:00 – Saturdays 08:00 to 12:00 (Brasilia time, Brazil)
Veterinary Medicine
Line of research that integrates basic and applied sciences, enabling, among others, the acquisition of knowledge about the environment and animal physiology and behavior, as well as research on molecular complexity and cellular and structural changes associated with different interfaces of the animal health-disease relationship and in the generation of health products and therapies, with potential for patent development.
Veterinary Medicine
Line that encompasses research related to specialties in the area of veterinary medicine, seeking, among others, to understand pathophysiological mechanisms in animal health and disease conditions, as well as to improve and transfer technologies of services and products to the community and the agriculture and pet sectors.
The Master’s Program lasts 2 years, during which 100 credits must be paid in, as follows: 25 credits in complementary disciplines and/or activities; 25 credits for passing the qualifying exam; 50 credits for passing the dissertation defense.
Each credit corresponds to fifteen hours of activity in courses (check the course details in “Courses Offerings”). Up to 25% of credits in disciplines can be obtained in others Programs at the University of Francain other programs recommended by CAPES, according to criteria defined by the internal Graduate Commission of the University of Franca.
Frequency Use
The minimum average frequency for approval in each course are respectively, seven (scalezero to ten)75%.
In case of failure in a mandatory course, the graduate student must take it again until it is approved with a minimum grade of seven.
Failure in a non-mandatory course will not be considered in the grade school recordis not mandatory attending it for a second time.
Course Program
Introduction to ethics in research with humans and animals and biosafety. Concepts, origin and principles. Professional codes on ethics: rights, duties and sanctions. Research Ethics Committee. Research Integrity Committee. Animal Use Ethics Committee.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturer: Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues
Norms and techniques of research, organization and information of data. Preparation of scientific transcripts, research projects, research dissemination. Norms for bibliographic references. Cultured norms in Portuguese. Writing and Style. Interpretation of texts, version, translation. Review, Abstracts, Descriptions. Dissertation and Thesis – mandatory and optional elements. Characterization of Seminar, Symposium, Congress and Conference.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Alessandra Marieli Vaccari, Jair Camargo Ferreira, Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues and Rafael Paranhos de Mendonça
Provide graduate students with the necessary information to prepare their master’s thesis project, through the discussion of the different stages involved in it. In addition, it should consist of the presentation of individual seminars by students addressing topics related to their researches, prepared according to the current rules. The seminars will be presented in expository form, adapting to all the rules of a didactic presentation, evaluated by a panel composed of 3 teachers.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Daniel Paulino Junior and Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias
Presentation of the research project, the chronogram and partial results. The aim is to stimulate the continuous academic-scientific growth of graduate students, proposing improvements and alternatives that contribute to their development and strengthen the Program.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturers: Alessandra Marieli Vacari, Daniel Paulino Junior and Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias.
Presentation of the research project, the chronogram and partial results. The aim is to stimulate the continuous academic-scientific growth of graduate students, proposing improvements and alternatives that contribute to their development and strengthen the Program.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturers: Jair Camargo Ferreira, Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues, Rafael Paranhos de Medonça e Ricardo Andrade Furtado
Developing emotional intelligence in the workplace is critical to achieving success consistently. The companies are looking for calm, confident, determined, resilient professionals who know how to manage unforeseen events. Therefore, the discipline goal is to assist students to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of the people around them, meets the requirements of both the university and the business environment.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Alessandra Marieli Vacari and Jair Camargo Ferreira
Concept on Integrated Pest Management that involves knowledge about insect taxonomy, biology, ecology, behavior and interactions with plants, the identification of key pests and natural enemies, monitoring based on information on levels of control and the management of agro-ecosystems, prioritizing conditions for plant balance and natural pest control. Knowledge about agroecological systems and how to manage the pests in these systems aiming at the production of food with low impact on the environment and animals, and that are safe for health.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturers: Alessandra Marieli Vacari
Covering the lack of information observed in the community and in the high school system and the tools and attitudes that graduate students can make available to help minimize them.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge
Lecturers: Daniel Paulino Junior and Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias.
Reviewing the main aspects of the epidemiology and biology of parasites that cause zoonoses, as well as the importance, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of parasitic diseases of importance in public health. The evaluation will consist of presentation of seminars, participatory presence, reading and discussion of articles.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturers: Lizandra Guidi Magalhães and Rafael Paranhos de Mendonça
Basic design of experiments: replication, randomness and blocking; organization of the stages of an experiment; determination of univariate and multivariate statistical methods; actuarial methods; hypothesis tests, associations and correlations; analysis of variability of experimental units: intrinsic, controlled and experimental error.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Ricardo Andrade Furtado
Addressing the main aspects of the inflammatory process, as well as the in vitro and in vivo biological tests used to evaluate the anesthetic, pro and anti-inflammatory activities of promising natural or synthetic products.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturers: Ricardo Andrade Furtado
Discipline offered in English focused on theoretical knowledge of the techniques for presenting papers in international scientific conclaves and the ability to communicate in the English language through the practice of presenting a scientific article as a simulation of participation in an international congress.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Jair Camargo Ferreira
Theoretical and practical aspects of the main tools used in the qualitative and quantitative microscopic descriptive and functional study of Metazoa tissues. Methods for fixing and routine processing of paraffin tissues will be covered; routine and special stains used for inspection and differentiation of cell types and extracellular components in tissues of animal origin; good practices in optical microscopy, step by step for Köhler illumination and observation of tissue components; capturing, digitizing and processing microscopic images; concepts about digital imaging under microscopy; fundamental processing of ImageJ® software and data extraction by segmentation and arithmetic and logical operations; planimetric and stereological measurements by “STEPanizer®”; rational use of images in scientific articles and preparation of boards.
Target audience: professionals from biological, health, agrarian and veterinary sciences.
Lecturers: Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues.
Tips on how to write a scientific article in English in order to maximize the chances of acceptance for publication in international indexed journals.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Jair Camargo Ferreira
Aspects related to the principles of monitoring domestic species in critical conditions. Approach to the protocols used in the critical patient related to nutrition, analgesia and prognosis, in addition to discussion of interventionist therapy themes in different organ systems. Knowledge about cardiovascular anatomophysiology, compensatory mechanisms, main cardiovascular diseases, diagnostic approach (clinical and complementary) and therapy used in clinical and experimental routine. Basic to advanced knowledge on methods of collecting and interpreting tests related to renal function. Direct graduate students with methods of assessing the urinary system, as well as their use in routine and experimental evaluation.
Target audience: Veterinarians.
Lecturers: Daniel Paulino Junior and Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias
The course will cover topics in ophthalmology, with the discussion of relevant works and innovative therapies. In dentistry, the main dental conditions in dogs and cats, forms of treatment, prevention and systemic repercussions in small animals will be addressed. In animal reproduction, the different biological processes of reproduction will be studied in a comparative way, focusing on domestic and wild mammals; reproductive management of domestic and wild species kept in captivity; behavioral and stress aspects and its influence on reproductive success.
Target audience: Veterinarians.
Lecturers: Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias and Jair Camargo Ferreira
The definitions and basic concepts of entrepreneurship are covered, including how to transform an idea through the organization and application of action elements; Innovation: definitions, types and examples; Preparing the planning of an enterprise through a Business Plan: The feasibility study; Financial matters related to business plans; Ventures in Local Productive Arrangements (APLs) and Business Incubators; Intellectual Protection and Scientific Patents: How to protect your business and your idea; and Marketing and Innovation Strategies: important concepts in the search for results.
Target audience: professionals from all areas of knowledge.
Lecturers: Jair Camargo Ferreira and Lizandra Guidi Magalhães
Alessandra Marieli Vaccari;
Lizandra Guide Magalhães; Rafael Paranhos de Mendonça
Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues
Ricardo Andrade Furtado; Rodrigo Cassio Sola Veneziani; Sérgio Ricardo Ambrósio
Daniel Paulino Júnior; Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias
Veterinary Sciences
Daniel Paulino Júnior; Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias
Veterinary Sciences
Daniel Paulino Júnior; Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias
Veterinary Sciences
Jair Camargo Ferreira
Veterinary Sciences
Daniel Paulino Júnior; Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias; Jair Camargo Ferreira; Rafael Paranhos de Mendonça; Alessandra Marieli Vaccari; Lizandra Guidi Magalhães; Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues; Ricardo Andrade Furtado; Rodrigo Cassio Sola Veneziani; Sérgio Ricardo Ambrósio.
Veterinary Sciences / Biosciences
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