Animal Science Graduate Program

  • Selecione outro idioma

Level: Master’s Degree in Animal Science

    • Mission:

    Union, ethicsflexibility: Inspiring professionals for continuous improvement. Transforming knowledge in actions. Training professionals to be ethicalcapable to promote regionalsocial development based on pioneering research.

    • Singularities:

    Focus in generalregional challenges; multi-orientation; qualify professionals  already inserted in the market; flexibility; partnerships.

    • Values:

    Changing; mentoring; harmony; management; intelligence; respect; balance




    Research area (by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES – Brazil):

    • Veterinary Medicine (Animal Science)

    Admission ments

    Professionals biological, health veterinary sciences.



    About Us


    Based on the principles of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES – Brazil, the research focus area of the Veterinary Science Graduate Program is Veterinary Medicine. The Program began its activities on January 19, 2007.

    Thenceforth, the Program has been officially recognizedCAPESHomologated by Brazilian Ministry of Education ordinance #73, published in the Federal Official Gazette #14, section 1, page 22/24 on 1/19/2007).


    The researchestraining courses offered by the Program insure a differential scientificdidactic experience to our master’s graduate students. The main purpose of the Program is to provide mastery conceptual, methodologicalscientific instruments in order to instigate professionals with notable critical sense and exceptional teaching skills. Just as importantly, our graduate students are prepared to develop research activities in both publicprivate sectors, besides to offer community services aiming to solve daily problems found in different areas of veterinary science.


Coordination: Prof. Dr. Marcela Aldrovani Rodrigues
Vice-coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Andrade Furtado

More information:

Postgraduate Department
Tel.: +55 16 3711.8829 / Fax.: +55 16 3711.8953

Opening hours
Monday to Friday08:00 to 11:45from 13:00 to 22:00 – Saturdays08:00 to 12:00 (Brasilia time, Brazil)

Biosciences Veterinary Sciences
Estrutura curricular Disciplinas Projetos em andamento
Calendário Institucional
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Consult the regulations here.