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PROSUP – Postgraduate Support Program for Private Education Institutions

The Universidade de Franca, under the terms of the PROSUP/CAPES/UNIFRAN agreement, may make available to graduate students entering the Graduate Program in Animal Science, through classification in the ion process, CAPES/PROSUP grantsfees with fullpartial dedication .

The number of grantsfees to be distributed each year varies depending on their availability. The PROSUP-CAPES regulation, published with CAPES Ordinance No. 181 of 12/18/2012, can be accessed on the CAPES website. Scholarshipsfees last for twelve monthsmaymay not be renewed.

The Graduate Support Program for Private Education Institutions (PROSUP) aims to support students of stricto sensu graduate programs offered by Private Higher Education Institutions, thus contributing to the formationmaintenance of standards of excellenceefficiency in the training of high-level human resources, essential for the development of the country.

For both scholarshipsfees, the criterion for awarding them is the classification of candidates in the ion processes carried out at the beginning of the year.

To learn more about this benefit CLICK HERE


PDSE – Sandwich Doctoral Program Abroad

Support the training of high-level human resources through the granting of sandwich doctoral scholarships abroad for Doctoral courses recognized by CAPES.

The PDSE was created in 2011, replacing the Doctoral Sanduíche Balcãothe Doctoral Program in the Country with Internship Abroad (PDEE). The change aimed at speeding up the process of implementing doctoral student internship grants abroad.

To learn more about this benefit CLICK HERE


PNPD – National Post-Doctoral Program/Capes

PNPD/CAPES, CAPES’s National Post-Doctoral Program, is an institutional grant program that finances post-doctoral internships in stricto sensu academic Graduate Programs (PPG) recommended by CAPES.

This benefit is granted according to the number of quotas in force at the HEI,the ion process is published on the instructional page.

To learn more about this benefit CLICK HERE


Institutional Scholarships for UNIFRAN Faculty

UNIFRAN annually grants scholarships to the Institution’s professors, in accordance with the annual collective agreement (check with your HEI’s Human Resources).


Institutional Scholarships for UNIFRAN Graduates

Students graduatinghigher education courses at Grupo Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional receive a 30% discount on tuition fees, upon presentation of proof of course completion.


FAPESP – Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo

The Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo is one of the main agencies for promoting scientifictechnological research in the country, funding scientific initiation, master’s, doctoralpostdoctoral research.

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