The Program meets the need for training researchers to defending healthhealthy living, which goes beyond the absence of diseases to promote people’s health, using a critical, ethicalreflective approach, capable of building new knowledge for the benefit of society.
The Graduate Program in Health Promotion aims to train human resources, researchersprofessors who integrate their research into policies, practicesstrategies in Health Promotion. It is in line with Unifran’s institutional mission, by contributing effectivelyin a way sustainable way of improving people’s quality of lifeadvancing society.
Our mission is to promote healthcontribute to science, providing an alternative of academic excellence to graduates interested in entering Postgraduate Programsdeveloping nationalinternational research through exchange programspolicies.
The Graduate Program in Health Promotion provides a multiprofessional target audience with the ion with 20 annual vacancies for the Master´s6 vacancies for the Doctorate.
The Graduate Program in Health Promotion at the University of Franca was created in 1999was the first in Brazil. Since then, the group of professors in the Program has been participating in discussions on training in Health Promotion in the Brazilianinternational context. The theoretical framework of Health Promotion also supportedguided the creation of the first course in Latin America, at the Doctorate level, in 2011.
Studies immersed in this theme aspire to the diversity of actorsscenarios to expand significant interventions in terms of positive acquisitions in health, which include solidarity, citizenship, equity, empowerment, the importance of collective participationthe acquisition of individualcollective skills in this process.
To achieve the premises in Health Promotion, the diversity of the facultystudents is counted on. Currently, the permanent teaching staff is composed of: biologists, nurses, physical educators, psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, pharmacistssocial workers. It also has the support of collaborating teachers. The Program has two lines of researchsix projects that postulate the improvementachievement of good health, which improves the quality of life, increases the ability to learn, strengthens familiescommunitiesimproves the productivity of the workforce.
Health Promotion practices are part of politicalsocial action processes, which need to be always reviewed in order to meet contemporary needs. The Program is part of the Interdisciplinary areaobtained a score of four (4) in the last evaluation of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).
Marisa Afonso de Andrade Brunherotti
Marina Garcia Manochio Pina
Marisa Afonso de Andrade Brunherotti
Coordenação Adjunta
Marina Garcia Manochio Pina
Health Promotion
This line of research involves an interdisciplinary approach to the studies of policies and practices in Health Promotion, addressing strategies for professional training, conceptual, interventional and empirical studies, aiming to support the construction of knowledge in Health Promotion. This line includes following projects: Physical activity, nutrition and complementary practices in Health Promotion and; Subsidies for practices, policies and evaluations in Health Promotion; Education and professional training in Health Promotion.
Health Promotion
This line of research involves an interdisciplinary approach to studies of social development, the factors associated with it and its implications for sustainability, environment and technologies, aiming for the collective good, reducing inequalities and improving quality of life. The following projects fall within this line: Human development, social protection and sustainability; Study of environmental determinants and health technology and; Health promotion at work
THE MASTER’S STUDENT must complete a minimum total of 82 credits, as follows:
I – 22* (twenty-two) credits obtained in courses, divided into mandatory and optional courses, with up to 03 (three) credits being computed in scientific activities that have a proven relationship with the Dissertation project, according to the Regulation of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs in Health Promotion in force;
II – 60 (sixty) credits obtained by passing the Master’s Dissertation defense;
The DOCTORATE STUDENT must complete a minimum total of 200 credits, as follows:
I – 30* (thirty) credits obtained in courses, distributed in mandatory courses and optional courses, with up to 04 (four) credits being computed in scientific activities, which have a proven relationship with the Thesis project, according to the Regulation of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs in Health Promotion in force;
II – 170 (one hundred and seventy) credits obtained by passing the defense of the DOCTORATE THESIS.
Study and discussion of the main concepts that guide the interdisciplinary proposal for Health Promotion in Brazil and in the world and health systems in Latin America, emphasizing Brazilian health policies, as well as social and governmental responsibilities in the construction of the Unified Health System Health (SUS). Relationships between public health policies and the health-disease process, continuing education of professionals and intersectorality
17 OBJETIVOS PARA TRANSFORMAR NOSSO MUNDO: os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030 da ONU, 2017.
Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Complexo da Saúde. Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia. Avaliação de impacto das políticas de saúde: um guia para o SUS [recurso eletrônico] / Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Complexo da Saúde, Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia. – Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2023.
FIGUEIREDO, G.L.A., et al. Recomendações e intenções das conferências internacionais para se pensar a Promoção da Saúde. In: Figueiredo, G.L.A., Martins, C.H. (orgs). Políticas, tecnologias e práticas em Promoção da Saúde. São Paulo: Hucitec, 2016.
BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde: PNPS: Anexo I da Portaria de Consolidação nº 2, de 28 de setembro de 2017, que consolida as normas sobre as políticas nacionais de saúde do SUS/ Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde, Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. – Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2018.
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Study of theoretical concepts for the development of research and practices in the family and community, addressing social support networks, in the context of social transformations in the national/local scenario and the repercussions on the living conditions and health of the population. Health inequities. Relationships between health, empowerment, participation and social control in health
BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de políticas de Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Cadernos de Atenção Básica. Programa de Saúde da Família. A implantação da unidade de saúde da família. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2000.
BUSS, P. M.; PELLEGRINI FILHO, A. A saúde e seus determinantes sociais. Physis [online]. 2007, vol.17, n.1, pp. 77-93. Disponível: Acesso em: nov, 2017.
COMISSÃO NACIONAL DE DETERMINANTES SOCIAIS DA SAÚDE. As causas sociais das iniqüidades em saúde no Brasil. Relatório final. Rio de Janeiro: Fio Cruz, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 nov. 2017.
MATTOS, M. P.; GUTIÉRREZ, A. C.; CAMPOS, G. W. DE S. Construção do referencial histórico-normativo do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 27, n. 9, p. 3503-3516, 2022.
FRANÇA, M. S.; LOPES, M. V. O.; FRAZÃO, C. M. F. Q.; GUEDES, T. G., LINHARES, F. M. P.; PONTES, C. M. Características da rede social de apoio ineficaz: revisão integrativa. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 39, e20170303, 2018.
SOUZA, G. J.; GOMES, C.; ZANETTI, V. R. Estratégia da Saúde da Família: a dimensão articuladora do território. Barbarói, 141-163, 2020.
Study of the concepts and interrelationships between physical exercise and nutrition, addressing their effects on health and highlighting the active lifestyle as a strategy for promoting people’s health. Presents and discusses public nutrition policies and research related to nutritional status and food consumption, as a way of promoting health, preventing and controlling Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).
BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Guia Alimentar para População Brasileira. 2014. Disponível em:
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COELHO, C.S. VERDI, M.I.M. Políticas e programas de atividade física: uma crítica à luz da promoção da saúde. Saúde & Transformação Social, v.6, n. 3, p. 96-108, 2013.
CARVALHO, F.F.B.; NOGUEIRA, J.A.D.; Práticas corporais e atividades físicas na perspectiva da Promoção da Saúde na Atenção Básica. Ciênc. Saúde coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 21, n. 6, p. 1829-1838, jun. 2016.
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Fundamentals of ethics in research involving human beings and good scientific practices. Understanding the importance of integrity and responsible conduct in the preparation of research, practical application and dissemination of results.
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Didactic, methodological and pedagogical procedures for teaching in higher education in Health Promotion, through experiences and practices in observation and conducting activities
LONGHI, A.L.; BERMUDEZ, G.M.; ABENSUR, P.L.; RUIZ-MORENO, L. Una estrategia didáctica para la formación de educadores de salud en Brasil: la indagación dialógica problematizadora. Interface (Botucatu). 2014.
LIBÂNEO, J.C. Didática. 2. ed. São Paulo: Cortez; 2013.
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FREITAS, D.A.; SANTOS, E.M.; LIMA, L.V.; MIRANDA, L.N.; VASCONCELOS, E.L.; NAGLIATE, P.C. Saberes docentes sobre processo ensino-aprendizagem e sua importância para a formação profissional em saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2016.
Foundation for developing scientific research, of an interdisciplinary nature in Health Promotion, considering conceptual and methodological aspects in qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches. Description of the main study designs and technical standards for formatting dissertations and theses, according to the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT)
BARROS, A.J.S.; LEHFELD, N.A.S. Fundamentos de metodologia científica. 3. ed. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 9. reimp. 2014 158 p. ISBN 9788576051565.
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Study of Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapeutics and Ozone Therapy as Complementary and Sustainable Practices for the development of accessible and usable technologies in the Unified Health System (SUS), exploring their historical significance, contemporary applications and their role as complementary practices in health
BRASIL. Decreto nº 5.813, de 22 de junho de 2006. Aprova a Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 23 jun. 2006. Seção 1, p. 2.
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SANTOS, R.L.; GUIMARAES, G.P.; NOBRE, M.S.C.; PORTELA, A.S. Análise sobre a fitoterapia como prática integrativa no Sistema Único de Saúde. Rev. Bras. Plantas Med. 2011, vol.13, p.486-491.
SILVA, G. K. F.; SOUSA, I. M. C.; SILVA, M. E. G.; BEZERRA, A. F. B.; GUIMARÃES, M. B. L .Política Nacional De Práticas Integrativas e Complementares: Trajetória E Desafios Em 30 Anos Do Sus. Physis: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, V. 30, N. 1, P. E300110, 2020.
Understanding of economic, social and demographic transformations on the global stage and the repercussions on the progress of society, living conditions and people’s health. Foundation of the territory as the place of residence and exercise of life, conditioned by social determinants and at the same time conditioning the health-disease process. Covers poverty, inequalities, violence, participation and social control in health in an interdisciplinary way
SANTOS, J.A.F. Classe Social, território e desigualdade de saúde no Brasil. Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.27, n.2, p.556-572, 2018.
ARANTES, K.M.; PEREIRA, B.B. Levantamento, análise e seleção de indicadores ambientais e socioeconômicos. Journal of Health & Biological Sciences, v. 5, n.1, p.86-94, 2017.
ALMEIDA, L. S.; COTA, A. L. S. R.; RODRIGUES, D. F. Saneamento, arboviroses e determinantes ambientais: impactos na saúde urbana. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 25, n. 10, p. 3857-3868, 2020.
RIBEIRO, K.G., AGUIAR, J.B., ANDRADE, L.O.M. Determinantes sociais da saúde: o instituído constitucional no sistema único de saúde. Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde, 31(04): 1-10, out-dez, 2018.
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Studies of the main characteristics and changes in the developmental stage of adult life, addressing the relationship between aging, life in society, intimacy and relationships. Most frequent injuries and risks, among other contemporary issues in today’s society and their impact on health and quality of life, focusing on the importance of health care policies and programs for elderly people
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Basic experiment planning: replication, randomness and blocking. Concept of population and sample, highlighting the application of methods for collecting, organizing and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data. Relevance of parametric and non-parametric methods used in describing and inferring populations through samples. variability analysis of experimental units: intrinsic, controlled and experimental error
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Application of a set of educational practices that involves dialogical relationships and proposes the construction of research and intersectoral strategies based on reading and critical analysis of reality and horizontality between popular and technical-scientific knowledge to increase people’s autonomy in caring for their health , environment, interpersonal relationships, improving quality of life and tackling inequities
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Presentation of emerging interdisciplinary themes in the area of Health Promotion. Discussion of the project, as well as its results, aiming to train the postgraduate student to prepare the Master’s dissertation/Doctoral thesis
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The discipline addresses topics related to local and regional problems. Identifies a lack of information in the community and proposes alternatives through instructional materials. The ways in which postgraduate studies can play their social role in the community are analyzed.
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Interdisciplinary understanding of occupational protection and risk factors (chemical, physical and ergonomic exposures) to worker health, integrating sustainable policies, practices and strategies with social impact to improve quality of life at work
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Discussion of the practice of health promotion in Latin America, Europe and Brazil
17 OBJETIVOS PARA TRANSFORMAR NOSSO MUNDO: os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030 da ONU, 2017.
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SPERANDIO, A.M.G.; FRANCISCO FILHO, L.L.; MATTOS, T. P. Política de promoção da saúde e planejamento urbano: articulações para o desenvolvimento da cidade saudável. Rev. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, 21(6): 1931-1938, junho, 2016.
Study of the theoretical and practical foundations of surveillance, monitoring and evaluation in health promotion. Concepts, methods and techniques used for collecting, analyzing and interpreting health-related data will be explored, as well as the development of intervention strategies and evaluation of health promotion programs. Health information systems and public health surveillance and monitoring policies will also be discussed.
AKERMAN, Marco. Avaliação participativa em promoção da saúde: um exercício de aprendizagem coletiva, reflexivo e contínuo. Avaliação em saúde: contribuições para incorporação no cotidiano, 2017.
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OLIVEIRA, Ana Emília Figueiredo de et al. Gestão pública em saúde: monitoramento e avaliação no planejamento do SUS. 2016.Disponível em Acesso em 03 de maio de 2023.
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Study and reflections on the foundations of qualitative research, an approach that aims to understand and interpret complex social phenomena, with a focus on discourse analysis and Bakhtinian studies. Observed as different theoretical-methodological perspectives applicable to research in Health Promotion, we seek to situate such approaches through a general overview of key concepts, procedures and methodological conceptions
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BOSI, Maria Lúcia M. Pesquisa qualitativa em saúde coletiva: panorama e desafios. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 17, n. 3, p. 575-586, 2012.
BOSI, Maria Lúcia M.; GASTALDO, Denise. Tópicos avançados em pesquisa qualitativa em saúde: fundamentos teórico-metodológicos. São Paulo: Editora Vozes, 2021.
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Knowledge of legislation and public policies aimed at the health of children and adolescents. (ECA and Comprehensive health care programs for children and adolescents). Study of the development, growth, injuries, risks and protection for the health of children and adolescents, considering ethical, moral, political and cultural aspects, aimed at preventing diseases and promoting the health of children and adolescents’ rights.
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Daniel dos Santos; Lílian Cristina Gomes do Nascimento; Lizandra Guidi Magalhães; Marina Garcia Manochio Pina (DOCENTE RESPONSÁVEL); Patrícia Mendonça Pauletti; Regina Helena Pires; Ricardo Andrade Furtado
Health Promotion Policies and Practices - The physical, mental and social well-being promoted by regular physical activity and healthy eating are determining and conditioning factors for health. This project aims to investigate the influence of physical activity, eating habits and complementary practices in different groups.
Daniel dos Santos (DOCENTE RESPONSÁVEL); Jorge Luiz da Silva; Lílian Cristina Gomes do Nascimento; Marisa Afonso Andrade Brunherotti; Raquel Alves dos Santos; Regina Helena Pires; Regina Célia de Souza Beretta; Ricardo Andrade Furtado
Policies and Practices in Health Promotion - Political and social concepts direct changes in health thinking and practice and, consequently, new proposals for the production of health and well-being. Sustainable and health-promoting practices favor the expansion of healthy choices by individuals and communities in the territory where they live and work. The objective of this project is to provide subsidies for evaluations and formulation of policies and practices in Health Promotion.
Jorge Luiz da Silva (DOCENTE RESPONSÁVEL); Marilurdes Cruz Borges; Marisa Afonso Andrade Brunherotti; Regina Célia de Souza Beretta
Policies and Practices in Health Promotion - The development of Health Promotion implies conceptual and strategic changes. As it is an area of knowledge with an interface between different fields of knowledge, the training of human resources poses challenges. The objective of the project is to analyze the educational practices and curricular contents of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, identifying skills and abilities necessary for the training of professionals in Health Promotion.
Daniel dos Santos | Liziane Marçal da Silva | Marilurdes Cruz Borges | Regina Célia de Souza Beretta (DOCENTE RESPONSÁVEL) | Regina Helena Pires
Environments, Technologies and sustainability in Health Promotion - Human development and social protection in territories linked to public policies can contribute to tackling health inequities between individuals and specific groups. This project aims to investigate the effectiveness and adequacy of sustainable interventions and strategies that contribute to reducing health inequities.
Liziane Marçal da Silva; Marina Garcia Manochio Pina; Marisa Afonso Andrade Brunherotti (DOCENTE RESPONSÁVEL); Raquel Alves dos Santos; Regina Helena Pires
The development and application of interdisciplinary technologies can be considered innovative factors for knowledge production. The project aims to develop technologies that favor the creation of healthy environments, in addition to studying anthropogenic or natural environmental disturbances, which directly or indirectly affect human health and ecosystems.
Daniel dos Santos (DOCENTE RESPONSÁVEL); Lílian Cristina Gomes do Nascimento; Raquel Alves dos Santos; Regina Célia de Souza Beretta
Conceptions about work imply changes in worker health. This project aims to identify occupational risk factors (physical, mental, social and environmental) that may affect workers' health. The results may support strategies for improving working conditions, which include interpersonal relationships, environmental and ergonomic adjustments, among others.
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